⁠Places To Watch Aurora Borealis

Orange Lightning

The Aurora Borealis, also known as the Northern Lights, is a natural light display in the sky predominantly, here are 7 places where you can witness this spectacular phenomenon seen in high-latitude regions.


Tromso, Norway

The city is located within the auroral oval, which is the area where the Northern Lights are most frequently seen.


Abisko National Park, Sweden

A research facility that allows visitors to learn about the Northern Lights and view them from a heated observatory.


Fairbanks, Alaska

The city is also home to the University of Alaska Fairbanks,  which researches the aurora borealis.


Yellowknife, Canada

The city is known for its long winter nights and clear skies, which make it a great place to see the Northern Lights.



Iceland is also a great place to see the Northern Lights, as the country is located right in the auroral oval, the long winter nights and clear skies


Lofoten Islands, Norway

The Lofoten Islands are also a great place to see the Northern Lights, as the islands are located right in the auroral oval.



Greenland is also a great place to see the Northern Lights, as the country  is located right in the auroral oval.