7 Psychological Tricks To Ace Any Interview

Orange Lightning

Using these psychological techniques will not only make you more memorable but will also project confidence and capability during interviews.

Mirror the Interviewer's Body Language

Mirroring body language creates rapport and makes the other person feel more connected to you.


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Use the Power of a Pause

Pausing before answering a question makes you seem thoughtful and confident.


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Emphasize Similarities

People are more likely to like and hire people they find similar to themselves.


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Frame Your Weaknesses as Strengths 

Everyone has weaknesses, but presenting them in a positive light shows self-awareness and confidence.


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Use Storytelling to Highlight Achievement

Storytelling can make your achievements more memorable and emotionally resonant.


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Establish Authority with a Calm

Speaking with authority signals that you’re knowledgeable and capable.


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Use Open Body Language

Open body language can make you appear more confident and approachable.


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