⁠⁠7 Signs You Have An Internet Addiction

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Internet addiction is a growing concern, especially with the increasing popularity of social media and online gaming, here are some things to know about it.


Neglect Your Responsibilities

Schoolwork, chores, and even basic hygiene can fall by the wayside when you're constantly glued to your screen.


Experience Withdrawal Symptoms

Do you get anxious, irritable, or even bored when you can't check your phone or computer


Lie About Your Internet Usage

If you find yourself hiding how much time you spend online from friends and family, it's a sign that you're internet addicted.


Internet to Escape from your Problems

If you're using the internet to avoid dealing with stress, anxiety, or other negative emotions.


Relationships are Suffering

Is your internet use causing problems in your relationships with friends, family.


Losing Interest in things 

Do you find that you'd rather spend time online than doing things you used to enjoy.


Trouble Controlling your Internet use

Your internet use, even when you know you should, it's a sign of addiction.