Tips for Dropping Off Resume In Person


Orange Lightning

Dropping off your resume in person can be a great way to make a positive impression on potential employers, here are some things to know.


Research the Company

This will help you tailor your  resume and prepare for any potential questions. Understand their values and culture.


Dress Professionally

Dress in business casual or professional attire, depending on the company’s dress code, because first impressions matter.


Multiple Copies of Resume

You might meet more than one person who could influence the hiring process, and it’s good to be prepared.


Visit Appropriately

Early in the morning or late in the afternoon are often good times, as staff are less likely to be busy.


Brief Introduction

Mention who you are, the position you’re applying for, and a quick note about why you’re interested  in the company.


Polite and Professional

Treat everyone you encounter with respect, from the receptionist to the hiring manager.


Follow Up

Thank them for their time, reiterate your interest in the position, and mention that you dropped off your resume in person.