Ways to Reduce Your Carbon Footprint


Orange Lightning

By making small changes like switching to reusable bags, walking more, and eating less meat, you can significantly reduce your environmental impact, Here are 7 ways to reduce your carbon footprint.

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Reduce, Reuse, Recycle

This age-old mantra is still one of the best ways to live a more sustainable lifestyle, Reduce the amount of stuff you buy, reuse what you can, & recycle.

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Eat Less Meat

Consider cutting back on your meat consumption, or going vegetarian or vegan a few days a week, choose sustainably raised options.

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Save Energy at Home

There are many ways to save energy at home, such as turning off lights and electronics when you're not using them, using energy-efficient appliances.

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Get Around Efficiently

Transportation is a major contributor to climate change, Walk, bike, or  take public transportation whenever possible.

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Travel Smart

When you do travel, consider flying less, If you must fly, and choose airlines that are committed to reducing their carbon footprint.

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Buy Local & Seasonal

Food that is transported long distances has a larger carbon footprint, Buy locally-sourced and seasonal  produce whenever possible.

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Sustainable Businesses

These businesses may use recycled materials, conserve energy, or offer products that are made in  an environmentally friendly way.

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