Worst Jobs In The History

Orange Lightning

History is full of dreadful careers collecting leeches from swamps, hauling plague victims, or cleaning royal posteriors, here are some things to know.


Leech Collector

These unfortunate souls were tasked with collecting leeches, which were widely used in medicine for centuries.


Plague Bearer

During bubonic plague outbreaks, plague bearers were tasked with the grim job of collecting the bodies of the dead and transporting them to mass graves.


Gong Farmer

In 19th-century Britain, gong farmers were employed in sewage systems to remove waste that had accumulated in sewers.


Chimney Sweep

Child chimney sweeps were a common sight in 18th- and 19th-century Britain, the work was dangerous and could lead to suffocation, burns, and lung diseases.


Wool Fuller

They would often use urine-soaked clay to remove dirt and grease, resulting in a foul-smelling and unpleasant work environment.



Victorian London employed tosher to wade through the city's sewers to retrieve lost valuables.


Groom of the Stool

An interesting but surely unpleasant job title, the Groom of the Stool was a royal servant responsible for the king's hygiene.