⁠8 Books Based On Buddha’s Teachings

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Delve into Buddha's wisdom with books like "The Heart of Buddha's Teaching" or explore his life through novels like "Siddhartha, here are some books to know.


The Heart of Buddha's Teaching

This book by Thich Nhat Hanh, a famous Vietnamese Zen master, covers the core of Buddha's teachings.



The book follows Siddhartha's journey as he searches for enlightenment, exploring themes of self-discovery.


What the Buddha Taught

This book by Walpola Rahula, a Theravada Buddhist monk, is a concise and clear introduction to the core teachings of Buddhism.


In the Buddha's Words

This book is a collection of translated excerpts from the Pali Canon, the earliest surviving record of the Buddha's teachings.


Zen Mind, Beginner's Mind

This book by Shunryu Suzuki, a Japanese Zen master, explores the concept of "beginner's mind," an attitude of openness and curiosity.


The Dhammapada

The Dhammapada is a collection of verses attributed to the Buddha, considered one of the most important texts in Theravada Buddhism.


Buddhist Teachings in the Bible

This book explores the parallels between the teachings of the Buddha and the Bible, showing how both traditions emphasise compassion.


When Things Fall Apart

This book by Pema Chodron, a Tibetan Buddhist nun, offers guidance on how to deal with difficult times in life.