8 Forbidden Places In The World

Orange Lightning

These are just a few examples, and there are certainly many more places around the world with restricted access for various reasons.


Area 51

A highly classified US Air Force facility, widely believed to be involved in the testing and development of experimental aircraft and weapons systems.


Poveglia Island

This island is said to be haunted and  is off-limits to the public, it was once used as a quarantine station for plague victims and later as a mental asylum.


Svalbard Global Seed Vault

While not entirely forbidden, access to this seed bank is highly restricted due to its critical role in preserving a wide variety.


Ise Grand Shrine

One of the most sacred Shinto shrines in Japan, access to its inner sanctuaries is restricted to the Japanese imperial family and high-ranking priests only.


North Sentinel Island

Due to their hostility towards outsiders and the risk of spreading diseases to which they have no immunity, access  to the island is strictly prohibited.


Snake Island

This island is home to one of  the most venomous snakes in the world, the golden lancehead viper.


Vatican Secret Archives

They contain historical documents and records spanning centuries of papal history and are only accessible to qualified researchers under strict supervision.


The Coca-Cola Vault

The recipe for Coca-Cola, one of the most iconic soft drinks in the world, is said to be kept in a highly secure vault at the World of Coca-Cola museum in Atlanta.