8 Questions You Should Never Ask in a Job Interview

Orange Lightning

Avoid these questions to make a positive impression. Asking the wrong questions can reflect poorly on you and impact your chances of landing the job.


What Is the Salary?

Avoid asking about salary and benefits too early. Focus on the role and company first.


How Many Vacation Days Do I Get?

Asking about vacation days before receiving an offer can seem presumptuous. Wait until later in the process.


Can I Work from Home All the Time?

This may suggest you’re not interested in the company culture. Discuss flexibility after securing the job.


What Is Your Policy on Office Politics?

Avoid questions that could come across as negative. Focus on the role and team dynamics instead.


Can I Take Long Lunches?

Questions about work hours and breaks should be avoided. Emphasize your commitment and flexibility.


How Soon Can I Get a Promotion?

Asking about promotions might imply you’re not interested in the current role. Focus on your potential contributions.


Will I Be Able to Take Time Off for Personal Issues?

It’s better to discuss time off policies after receiving an offer. Focus on your qualifications and fit first.


What’s the Company’s Turnover Rate?

This can suggest concern about job stability. Instead, ask about team growth and company culture.