8 Signs That Your Interview Didn't Go Well

Orange Lightning

Signs that your interview didn't go well include disengaged interviewers, short sessions, no follow-up questions, and lack of role explanation.


The Interviewer Seemed Disinterested

This lack of attention can be a sign that the interview isn't going well and could suggest that you're not a strong contender for the job.


The Interview Was Cut Short

Especially if it was scheduled to  be longer, it may signal that the interviewer already made up  their mind.


No Chemistry During the Interview

An interview without any natural rapport or connection can be a red flag.


You Got Stumped by a Critical Question

Failing to answer an important question could give the impression that you're underprepared or not the right candidate for the job.


The Interviewer Didn’t Provide Information About the Role

The interviewer skipped the part where they usually explain the responsibilities and expectations.


The Interviewer Expressed Concern

This gives you a chance to address those concerns, failing to adequately respond could cost you the opportunity.


No Follow-Up Questions Were Asked

Engaged interviewers often ask follow-up questions to dive deeper into your responses.


The Interviewer Didn’t Sell the Job to You

The interviewer will typically try to persuade you that the role is a great fit by highlighting its benefits and growth opportunities.