8 Expert Tips to Answer Logical Reasoning Questions

By Divya Jain

July 19, 2023

Understand the Question

Carefully analyze the logical question and ensure you have a clear understanding of what is being asked.


Take Your Time

Don't rush to answer, take a moment to gather your thoughts and prepare a logical response.


Break It Down

Break down complex questions into simpler parts and address each part individually to provide a structured response.


Communicate Clearly

Articulate your thoughts in a clear and concise manner, ensuring that your response is easy to understand.


Show Your Process

Explain the logical steps you take to arrive at your answer, showcase your analytical skills and critical thinking abilities.


Ask for Clarification

Seek clarification if you don't fully understand the question.


Stay Calm and Confident

Maintain a calm and confident demeanour throughout the interview. It reflects your ability to handle logical questions under pressure.


Practice Logical Reasoning

Practice logical reasoning exercises and puzzles beforehand. It sharpens your logical thinking skills and problem-solving abilities.