Inexpensive Books that  will Teach  you Priceless Lessons for Life


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Crack open inexpensive books, like hidden treasure chests, to discover wisdom on finding meaning, chasing dreams, and living with joy, Here are some Books to know.

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Man's Search for Meaning

This book explores the concept of logotherapy, which emphasizes the importance of finding meaning in life even in the face of suffering.

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The Happiness Hypothesis

This book explores the latest scientific research on happiness, drawing from evolutionary psychology, positive psychology, &  Eastern philosophy.

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The Alchemist

The Alchemist is a timeless story about following your dreams and persevering through challenges.

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As a Man Thinketh

This classic self-help book emphasizes the power of thoughts in shaping our lives.

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The Power of Now

The Power of Now offers practical techniques for quieting the mind and overcoming negative thoughts.

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The Four Agreements

This Toltec wisdom book by Don Miguel Ruiz outlines four agreements that can help us live a more peaceful and fulfilling life.

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This book offers timeless Stoic philosophy on finding peace and virtue amidst a chaotic world.

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The Obstacle Is the Way

Drawing from the philosophies of Stoicism and adversity, Ryan Holiday's book explores how to  turn obstacles into opportunities.

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Quiet explores the strengths of introverts and how they can thrive in a world that often values extroverts.

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