Best Quotes by Sudha Murthy on Entrepreneurship

Sudha Murthy, the acclaimed Indian author, philanthropist, and chairperson of the Infosys Foundation, is known for her insightful words on various topics, including entrepreneurship. Here are some of her best quotes that resonate with aspiring entrepreneurs.

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Entrepreneurship is About Solving Problems

Sudha Murthy emphasizes the true essence of entrepreneurship lies in addressing societal challenges.

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Success in Entrepreneurship is not Just About Profits

This quote underscores the idea that  the measure of success in entrepreneurship extends beyond monetary gains.

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Innovation is the Heart of Entrepreneurship

Sudha Murthy highlights the significance of innovation in entrepreneurship.

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Entrepreneurs Should Have a Social Conscience

This quote underscores the importance of ethical and socially responsible entrepreneurship.

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Persistence is Key in Entrepreneurship

Sudha Murthy emphasizes the resilience and determination needed in entrepreneurship.

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Entrepreneurship is a Journey, not a Destination

This quote reminds aspiring entrepreneurs that the entrepreneurial journey itself is rewarding.

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Empathy is  Powerful Tool  in Entrepreneurship

Sudha Murthy underscores the importance of empathy in entrepreneurship.

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Learning from Failures is  the Best Education 

Sudha Murthy advocates for the value of learning from failures.

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Entrepreneurs Should be Lifelong Learners

This quote emphasizes the need  for continuous learning in entrepreneurship.

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True Success in Entrepreneurship

Sudha Murthy stresses the idea that the ultimate measure of success in entrepreneurship is the positive and lasting impact made on the world.

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