Criminally Underrated Books Starting With Letter "C"

Discover these hidden literary gems starting with "C" that deserve more love and attention. Happy Reading!

A poetic Civil War tale of love, survival, and resilience—why isn’t everyone talking about this masterpiece? 

"Cold Mountain" by Charles Frazier 

A gripping saga of twin brothers, betrayal, and medicine—this novel deserves a spotlight on every shelf.

"Cutting for Stone" by Abraham Verghese 

An intricate, genre-bending masterpiece linking six stories—confusing at first but brilliant once you connect the dots!

"Cloud Atlas" by David Mitchell 

A feminist reimagining of the Greek sorceress’s life—spellbinding storytelling that breathes life into forgotten mythology. 

"Circe" by Madeline Miller 

A charming, witty look at small-town life—this Victorian classic feels refreshingly modern and deserves more readers. 

"Cranford" by Elizabeth Gaskell 

An enchanting mix of magic, history, and mystery—this fictional magician’s tale will leave you spellbound. 

"Carter Beats the Devil" by Glen David Gold 

A nostalgic, poetic memoir of rural England—Lee’s writing is so beautiful, it feels like art. 

"Cider with Rosie" by Laurie Lee