Doomsday Prophecies Made Throughout Years

Orange Lightning

Doomsday predictions, from religious visions to computer glitches, have caused panic for centuries, but science rarely backs these claims, here are some events to see.


Sun Becomes a Red Giant

Based on scientific evidence, the sun will eventually expand into a red giant, potentially engulfing Earth.


The Millerites

William Miller predicted Jesus' return in 1843, leading many followers to abandon their belongings.


Halley's Comet

Fears arose that Halley's Comet's tail contained poisonous gas, leading some to buy protective gear and to throw rooftop comet parties.


Large Hadron Collider

Concerns circulated that the LHC's experiments could create miniature black holes that would swallow the Earth.


Shoko Asahar and Aum Shinrikyo

This doomsday cult believed in an apocalypse via poison gas attack and carried out the deadly Tokyo subway sarin gas attack in 1995.


Heaven's Gate

Believing a UFO hidden in comet Hale-Bopp's tail would take them  to a higher level, Heaven's Gate members committed mass suicide.



The Y2K computer glitch caused fears of global technological collapse at the turn of the millennium.


Harold Camping

Harold Camping used the Bible to predict the rapture on May 21st, 2011, he blamed a mathematical error and revised the date.


The Seekers

This small group believed aliens would rescue them from a coming flood on Christmas Eve, 1955.


Mayan Calendar

Misinterpretations of the Mayan calendar led some to believe the world would end in 2012.