Dry Promotion: The Trend Worrying Employees

Orange Lightning

A promotion sounds fancy with a new title, but it's all work and no pay raise, this can leave employees feeling undervalued and looking for new opportunities.


What is Dry Promotion?

A "dry promotion" happens when an employee receives a promotion with a new title and increased responsibilities but without a raise in salary.


Why it's Concerning

Employees put in extra effort and take on more work for a promotion, expecting better compensation. Dry promotion can lead to feelings of being undervalued.


Reasons of Dry Promotions

Companies might use dry promotions to fill gaps left by layoffs or to avoid increasing payroll costs.


Impact on Employees

Dry promotions can cause frustration, decreased morale, and reduced motivation, to look for new jobs that offer better compensation.


Spotting a Dry Promotion

Be cautious if a promotion offer focuses heavily on the new title and responsibilities but avoids mentioning a salary increase.


Negotiating  Dry Promotion

Try to negotiate for a raise, bonus, or other forms of compensation to reflect the added workload.


Knowing Your Worth

Research average salaries for your new position and be prepared to advocate for fair compensation.