⁠Employee Rights Every Professional Should Know

Orange Lightning

It's important to consult with relevant local resources for  a more comprehensive understanding of your rights in your specific situation, here are some things to know.


Safe Workplace

You have the right to a work environment free from discrimination, harassment, and unsafe conditions.


Fair Compensation

You deserve equal pay for equal work, regardless of gender, race, religion, or any other protected characteristic.


Clear Communication

You have the right to understand your job duties, compensation, and benefits.


Privacy Protections

This includes limitations on monitoring your work computer or phone and restrictions on personal information they can collect.


Leave Options

Depending on your location and industry, you may be entitled to paid leave for various reasons, such as illness, vacation, or family care.


Right to Organize

You can join a union or other employee organisation to collectively bargain for better working conditions and benefits.


Fair Treatment

You should be treated fairly during the employment process, including during performance reviews and disciplinary actions.