Essential Life Skills Every Child Should Know Before Turning 10

Children under 10 need to acquire vital life skills for independence and responsibility, shaping their personal growth and setting the stage for future success. Let's look at the necessary skills. 

Basic Hygiene

Teach children how to wash their hands properly, brush their teeth, take regular baths, and maintain good personal hygiene.


Dressing Themselves

Encourage children to dress and undress themselves, including fastening buttons, zippers, and tying shoelaces.


Tidying Up

Teach them to keep their living spaces tidy by putting away toys, books, and belongings when they're done using them.


Basic Cooking

Introduce them to simple cooking tasks like making a sandwich, pouring cereal, or heating up pre-prepared meals with adult supervision.


Time Management

Teach them about time, including how to read a clock, set an alarm, and manage their time for tasks and activities.


Money Management

Help them understand the value of money, basic budgeting, and saving. Teach them how to count money and make simple purchases.


Communication Skills

Encourage effective communication, including active listening, expressing themselves clearly, and using polite manners.



Teach problem-solving skills, which involve identifying problems, brainstorming solutions, and making decisions.


Empathy and Compassion

Foster empathy by discussing feelings and encouraging kindness towards others, including sharing and helping those in need.


Safety Awareness

Educate them about basic safety rules, such as looking both ways before crossing the street, not talking to strangers, and knowing how to respond in emergencies.