Franz Kafka Short Stories You Can Read  in a Day

Orange Lightning

Franz Kafka's short stories are known for their surreal, existential, and often unsettling qualities. Here are some stories that you can read in a day.


The Metamorphosis

This is Kafka's most famous short story, where Gregor Samsa wakes up one day to find himself transformed into a giant insect.


In the Penal Colony

This story revolves around a brutal and archaic execution machine and raises questions about justice, punishment, and authority.


The Hunger Artist

This story follows a professional hunger artist who fasts for long periods as a form of art.


A Country Doctor

The narrative blends dreamlike elements with real-life struggles, portraying the helplessness of the doctor in an absurd situation.


Before the Law

A parable about a man who seeks access to the law but is perpetually denied entry.


An Imperial Message

This ultra-short piece describes the impossible journey of a message from the emperor, destined for someone who will never receive it.


The Judgment

This early work of Kafka involves a strained father-son relationship and builds up to a shocking climax.