G7 Summit 2024 Details

Orange Lightning

The G7 met in Italy this June to tackle global challenges, leaders discussed Ukraine, climate change, and food security, with India joining talks on development, here are some things to know.


Location and Dates

Held in Fasano, Apulia, Italy, from June 13-15, 2024, this marks the 50th G7 Summit.



G7 nations - Canada, France, Germany, Italy, Japan, UK, US  with EU representation, India attended as an Outreach Country.


Host and Focus

Hosted by Italian Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni, with a focus on the Global South's concerns.


Key Agenda Items

Russia-Ukraine conflict, Middle East ( particularly the Gaza crisis ) issues, climate change & energy,  and ethical use of Artificial Intelligence.


India's Participation

Prime Minister Modi participated in discussions on global south issues and bilateral cooperation with Italy.