11 Effective Ways to Generate Passive Income 

By Divya Jain

July 19, 2023

Rental Properties

Generate continuous passive income by investing in residential or commercial properties.


Car Renting

Generate passive income by renting out your car through a car-sharing platform or by leasing it to individuals or businesses.


Social Media Influencing

Monetize your social media presence by partnering with brands and promoting their products.


Fixed Deposits

Invest in fixed deposit schemes offered by banks or financial institutions to earn passive income through regular interest payments.


Teaching Online

Share your expertise and knowledge by teaching online courses or offering tutoring service.


Opening Homestays

Turn your property into a homestay or vacation rental, earning passive income by hosting guests and providing hospitality services.


Share Market Investments

Invest in stocks, mutual funds, or exchange-traded funds (ETFs) to earn passive income through dividends, capital appreciation, or interest payments.



Create a blog and monetize it through advertising, sponsored content, selling digital products to generate passive income.


Creating Courses

Develop and sell online courses on platforms like Udemy or Teachable, utilizing your expertise to earn passive income.


Earning with YouTube

Start a YouTube channel, build an audience, and earn through ad revenue, sponsorships, product promotions, and YouTube Premium subscriptions.


Investing in REITs 

Invest in REITs (Real Estate Investment Trusts), which allow you to own shares in income-generating real estate properties, providing passive income through regular dividends.