Health Benefits of Drinking Water From Earthen Pot

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Earthen pots, also known as matkas, have been used for centuries as a natural way to store and cool water, here are its health benefits to know.


Natural Cooling Properties

This evaporation process absorbs heat from the water inside, resulting in a naturally cool and refreshing drink  even on hot days.


Enhanced Taste

The clay may filter out some impurities that can affect the taste of water.


Increased Mineral Content

Clay pots may leach small amounts of minerals into the water, such as calcium, magnesium, and iron.


Improve Digestion

Earthen pot water is believed to be alkaline, which may help neutralise stomach acidity and  improve digestion.


May Aid in Weight Loss

Some evidence is that drinking cool water can boost metabolism and aid in weight loss.


Prevent Sunstroke

Earthen pot water’s cool temperature makes it an appealing choice for staying hydrated and cool.



Earthen pots are made from natural materials and are biodegradable, they are a sustainable alternative  to plastic bottles.