⁠Highest Qualification of Top 7 Wealthiest People in the World 

Orange Lightning

These qualifications reflect the formal education of these individuals however, their success is often attributed to their entrepreneurial skills and innovation, here are some of them to watch.


Bernard Arnault

His Highest Qualification is in Bachelor's Degree in Engineering form École Polytechnique, France.


Elon Musk

Elon's Highest Qualification is in Bachelor's Degree in Economics and  Physics from the University of Pennsylvania, USA.


Jeff Bezos

His Highest Qualification is in Bachelor's Degree in Electrical Engineering and Computer Science from Princeton University, USA.


Larry Ellison

Larry's Highest Qualification is in the University of Chicago and the University of Illinois but did not complete the degree.


Warren Buffett

Warren Buffet's Highest Qualification is in Master of Science in Economics from Columbia Business School, USA.


Bill Gates

Bill Gates Highest Qualification is  Dropped out of Harvard University  and  did not complete the Degree.


Mark Zuckerberg

His Highest Qualification is Dropped out of Harvard University  and  did not complete the Degree.