⁠History of Bhangarh Fort

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Bhangarh Fort is a fascinating place, steeped in history and legend, Here's the history of Bhangarh Fort in 7 points.



The Bhangarh Fort was built in  the 17th century, most likely by Raja Madho Singh, though there is some debate on the exact date.


Thriving Town

Bhangarh Fort wasn't just a military structure; it was a bustling town with over 9000 residents.


Curse of Guru Balu Nath

Legend has it that a holy man named Guru Balu Nath resided near the fort and agreed to its construction so that it wouldn't block his sunlight.


Curse of Princess Ratnavati

Another legend speaks of Princess Ratnavati, whose beauty was unmatched, as Singhia desired her  but couldn't win her hand in marriage.


Destruction and Abandonment

Sometime in the late 18th or early 19th century, the Bhangarh Fort was ravaged by war or natural disaster.


Archaeological Site

The abandoned structures, coupled with the spooky legends, make it a popular destination for tourists and daredevils.


Unexplained Oddities

Visitors report strange experiences at the fort,  like hearing whispers,  seeing apparitions, or feeling an unsettling presence.