History of Currency Notes

Orange Lightning

Born in China centuries ago, paper money revolutionized trade, Europe followed suit, and governments took control, adding security &  national pride to each colourful note, here are some things to know.


Paper Power in China

The earliest paper money emerged in 7th century China, first as "flying money" and later as true paper currency during the Song dynasty.


Marco Polo Spreads the Idea

European explorers like Marco Polo encountered paper money in China during the 13th century, sparking interest in the concept.


Europe Embraces Banknotes

Europe began issuing paper banknotes in the early 1800s, with Napoleon being a notable figure in this transition.


Central Banks

Central banks manage the issuance of currency notes, ensuring a standardized and reliable system.


Security Features Evolve

As technology advanced, banknotes incorporated security features like watermarks and special inks to combat counterfeiting.


Globalized Designs

Modern currency notes often reflect a nation's cultural and historical identity through their designs, appealing to a broader global audience.


Rise of Digital Payments

While notes remain widely used, cashless transactions are becoming increasingly popular.