⁠History of Gwalior Fort

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Standing for centuries, Gwalior  Fort witnessed rule by Mughals, Marathas and British, each adding their touch,  Its majestic walls hold temples, palaces, & stories of a bygone era.


A Timeless Legacy

The exact date of construction remains unclear, but legends say a local king named Suraj Sen built the fort in 600 CE.


Multiple Rulers and Architectural

Over centuries, the fort has seen many rulers, including the Tomars, Mughals, Marathas, and British.


Tomar Dynasty's Golden Age

Tomar rule (1398-1516) is considered the fort's golden age, Raja Man Singh Tomar, the most distinguished Tomar king.


Spiritual Significance

The fort houses several temples, including the Teli Ka Mandir built by the Gurjara-Pratiharas in the 8th-9th century.


More Than Just a Fort

Gwalior Fort also served as a prison for various rulers and religious figures throughout history.


Power Struggle and the British Raj

After the Anglo-Maratha Wars, the British East India Company gained control.


Historical Monument Today

Gwalior Fort is a popular tourist destination, showcasing its rich history and architectural marvels.