History of Pattachitra Art in India

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Pattachitra art, an ancient Indian tradition, showcases intricate, vibrant depictions of Hindu mythology on cloth using natural colours, here are some things to know.


Ancient Roots

Pattachitra art has its origins in ancient India, with roots tracing back to the 7th century AD.


Religious Themes

Pattachitra art features themes  related to Hindu mythology, including depictions of deities like Lord Jagannath, Lord Krishna & other  gods.


Techniques and Materials

The term "Pattachitra" comes from the Sanskrit words "Patta" & "Chitra", reflecting the traditional use of cloth as the canvas.


Artistic Style

The paintings often feature a repetitive and symmetrical design, with elaborate borders and motifs.


Regional Variations

The Pattachitra of Odisha often showcases Jagannath, whereas the West Bengalis focus more on themes related to the Shakta.


Decline and Revival

The art form faced a decline during the colonial period due to economic hardships and changing patronage.


Modern Adaptations

Contemporary Pattachitra artists are exploring new themes and techniques while maintaining traditional elements.