⁠History of Roman Empire


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A republic rose, emperors ruled and peace reigned. Christianity bloomed, empires split, the West fell, but the East endured for a millennium, Roman law, art, and ideas shaped our world, here are some things to know about them.


From Republic to Empire

The Roman Empire emerged from the ashes of the Roman Republic, which had been weakened by civil wars and social unrest.


Pax Romana

This period, "Roman Peace," was characterised by relative stability, prosperity, and territorial expansion.


The Rise of Christianity

Christianity emerged in Judea during the 1st century CE and gradually spread throughout the empire.


Crisis and Recovery

The 3rd century CE was a time of  great turmoil for the empire, political instability, economic woes & barbarian invasions threatened to tear it apart.


Division and Decline

The Western Roman Empire faced mounting pressure from barbarian tribes on its borders and eventually fell in 476 CE.


The Byzantine Empire

The Eastern Roman Empire, also known as the Byzantine Empire,  endured for a thousand years after the fall of the West.



Its laws, architecture, literature, and political systems continue to influence societies worldwide today.