⁠History of Sheesh Mahal

Orange Lightning

The Sheesh Mahal, Lahore Fort's "Palace of Mirrors," is a Mughal marvel built by Shah Jahan. Here are some facts about it.


Sparkling Birth (1631-1632)

Built by Mughal emperor Shah  Jahan within Lahore Fort, the Sheesh Mahal, meaning "Palace of Mirrors," came to life during his reign.


Predecessor's Foundation

The Sheesh Mahal's base belonged to an earlier structure built by Jahangir, Shah Jahan's father.


Mughal Marvel

The extensive use of mirrors throughout the walls and ceilings gave it its name and created a breathtakingly reflective space.


Multipurpose Marvel

The Sheesh Mahal served as an imperial bath,  thick walls ensured cool temperatures, perfect for a refreshing escape.


Mirror Magic

The mirrors used in the Sheesh Mahal were said to be specially brought from Aleppo, Syria, adding an exotic touch.


Royal Additions

Later additions were made by Sikh Maharaja Ranjit Singh, showcasing the enduring appeal of the Sheesh Mahal across different eras.


A Lasting Legacy

The Sheesh Mahal remains an example  of Mughal architectural brilliance, mesmerizing visitors with its intricate mirror work and rich history.