History of Zero in India

Orange Lightning

By the 7th century AD, it became a number, allowing complex math and forever changing science, here are some ways to see the history.


Ancient Roots

The Sanskrit word "shunya" translates to "emptiness" or "void," laying the groundwork for its mathematical adoption.


Early Placeholders

Aryabhata used dots or symbols to represent the absence of value, a crucial step towards zero.


The Decimal System

Around the 5th century AD,  Aryabhata, a renowned astronomer and mathematician, is credited with zero in the decimal number system.


The Rules of Zero

In the 7th century AD, Brahmagupta defined zero as a numerical digit and established rules for its use.


The Bakhshali Manuscript

This ancient manuscript, discovered in the 19th century, contains symbols resembling zero.


From Shunya to Zero

The symbol for zero likely evolved, with some theories suggesting a dot becoming a circle as it travelled westward.


Foundation for Modern Math

The concept of zero revolutionized mathematics, enabling complex calculations, the development of algebra etc.