⁠How Can a Business Owner Reduce Taxes?

Orange Lightning

Business owners can strategically lower their tax bill by maximising deductions, depreciating assets and contributing to retirement plans, here are some things to know.


Maximize Deductions

This can include office supplies, travel costs, and even a portion of your home office expenses.


Depreciate Assets

The cost of business assets like machinery and equipment can be deducted over time through depreciation.


Contribute to Retirement Plans

Business owners can contribute to retirement plans significantly reducing their taxable income.


Hire Family

Hiring family members and paying them a fair salary can be a tax-saving strategy.


Invest in Growth

Many tax breaks exist for  businesses that invest in research and development or new equipment.


Tax-Friendly Business Structure

Sole proprietorships and partnerships pay taxes on personal income tax returns, to separate business income tax.


Seek Professional Advice

Tax laws are complex and consulting a tax professional can help ensure you take advantage of all available deductions.