How Does High Screen Time Affect Your Mental Health?

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High screen time disrupts sleep, fuels social isolation and worsens anxiety, potentially leading to depression, here are some things to know about it.


Sleep Disruption

Screens emit blue light which messes with melatonin production, the sleep hormone, making it harder to fall asleep.


Social Isolation

Spending excessive time glued to a screen can take away from in-person interactions.


Comparison and FOMO

Social media feeds are often filled with curated highlight reels, making it easy to compare your own life and feel like you're missing out.


Less Physical Activity

Exercise is a well-known mood booster, so screen time crowding it out can worsen mental well-being.


Coping Mechanism

While this might provide temporary relief, it doesn't address the root cause of the problem and can lead to avoidance behaviors


Symptom Magnification

Constantly being bombarded with news and information, especially negative ones.


Attention Span and Focus

There's some concern that excessive screen time, with its rapid-fire stimulation, can contribute to problems with focus.