How to Ask for a Raise: Increment Season Special

Asking for a raise can be nerve-wracking, but it's an essential part of career growth. Here are seven ways to effectively ask for a raise during the increment season.


Research Market Rates

Before you ask for a raise, research the market rates for your position in your industry and location. Knowing what others in similar roles are earning can strengthen your negotiation stance.


Highlight Your Achievements

Make a list of your accomplishments and contributions to the company since your last raise or performance review. Quantify your achievements whenever possible to demonstrate your value to the organization.


Schedule a Meeting

Request a meeting with your supervisor specifically to discuss your compensation. Choose a time when your supervisor is likely to be less stressed and can give your request proper attention.


Practice Your Pitch

Rehearse what you're going to say beforehand. Focus on framing your request positively, emphasizing your value to the company and your commitment to its success.


Be Specific

Clearly state the amount you're requesting and why you believe you deserve it. Avoid vague statements and provide concrete examples of why you merit the raise.


Remain Professional and Positive

Keep the conversation professional and avoid becoming emotional, even if the response isn't what you hoped for. Express gratitude for the opportunity to discuss your compensation.


Be Prepared for Alternatives

Keep the conversation professional and avoid becoming emotional, even if the response isn't what you hoped for. Express gratitude for the opportunity to discuss your compensation.