How To Manage People As a Manager?

Orange Lightning

Managing people as a People Manager involves a combination  of interpersonal skills, strategic planning and effective communication.


Effective Communication

This involves not only conveying information clearly and concisely but also actively listening to your team members.


Setting Clear Expectations

As a People Manager, it’s essential to set specific, measurable, achievable, relevant, and time-bound (SMART) goals.


Building Trust and Respect

As a Manager you need to demonstrate integrity, be consistent in your actions, and show appreciation for your team's efforts.


Development and Growth

As a People Manager, offering training programs, mentorship, and regular performance reviews helps employees.


Recognizing and Rewarding

As a People Manager, implement  a reward system that highlights individual and team successes, whether through verbal praise, bonuses, etc.


Handling Conflicts Effectively

As a People Manager, it’s important to address conflicts promptly and constructively and use conflict resolution strategies such as mediation.


Work-Life Balance

As a People Manager, encourage flexible working hours, remote work options, and regular breaks.