Kamala Harris U.S. Presidential Candidature

Orange Lightning

Kamala Harris’s U.S. Presidential candidacy in 2024 can be summarized in the following points you can refer.


Endorsement by Joe Biden

President Joe Biden officially endorsed Kamala Harris as the Democratic nominee after deciding to step down from the race.


Historic Candidacy

If nominated, Harris would be the first Black woman to lead a major party's presidential ticket in the U.S.


Challenges Within the Party

Harris is not guaranteed the Democratic nomination, She must still secure the majority of delegates at the Democratic National Convention.


Public and Donor Support

Biden's withdrawal came after significant pressure from both  public and private sectors, including Democratic donors and party members.


Strategic Positioning

Harris has emphasized her intention to unite the Democratic Party and present a strong front against Trump.


Campaign Focus

Harris's campaign will likely highlight her tenure as Vice President, where  she tackled various issues such as immigration, voting rights etc


Public Reaction and Market Impact

Biden's withdrawal and Harris's candidacy had immediate impacts, with positive reactions from stock markets reflecting a sense of stability and continuity.