Life-Changing Mantras from ‘Chanakya's Chant’


Ashwin Sanghi's novel, Chanakya's Chant, was released in India in 2011, two years after his debut, The Rozabal Line, and quickly topped national bestseller lists.

“The early bird catches the worm but it's the second mouse that gets the cheese.”

“If a man tells a woman she is beautiful, she will overlook most of his OTHER lies.”

“Journey IS the destination.”

“To remain standing one often has to fall.”

“Battles are won and lost before they are fought.”

“Strength does not come from physical capacity, it comes from indomitable will.”

“When lions fight over a goat, it's usually the hyena that gets away with the prize.”

“Remember that it’s often easier to get forgiveness rather than permission!”

“Character is what you are. Reputation is what people think you are.”

“Wise men think all they say, fools say all they think.”