Life Lessons to Learn From Devil Wears Prada Movie

Orange Lightning

"The Devil Wears Prada" teaches us to balance ambition with self-worth, chase dreams with open eyes, and value friends and personal life as much as career success, here are some things to see.


Don't Lose Yourself

The Devil Wears Prada shows how easy it is to get sucked into a world that doesn't align with your values.


Know Your Worth

The movie reminds us that ambition and a strong work ethic are valuable. But it's crucial to know when a job or situation is asking for too much.


Sometimes the Dream Job Isn't

This isn't a "follow your dreams" story.  It's okay if your first job isn't your ideal one.


Friendships Matter

Devil Wears Prada movie emphasizes the importance of maintaining strong relationships outside of work.


Sacrifices Must Be Made

Success often requires dedication and hard work. There will be times when you have to give things up to achieve your goals.


Speak Up for Yourself

Devil Wears Prada teaches that it's important to have a voice and advocate for yourself, especially in demanding environments.


First Impressions Aren't Everything

Miranda (Meryl Streep) initially a terrifying figure, is revealed to be a complex woman facing her own challenges.