Major Key Takeaways From G-20 Summit

September 13, 2023

The G-20 Summit has been successful, now it’s time to know the major highlights of the events.

Welcome African Union

One of the major highlights of the G-20 was that the 55-member African Union was made a permanent G-20 member.

Road Set for Spice Route

A massive project called the India-Middle East-Europe Economic Corridor has been set to start. Countering China’s Belt and Road Initiative

Climate Concern

During the Summit all the leaders took oath to work on climate issues and triple their investment in renewable energy by 2030.

Ukraine Conflict

Taking a neutral approach leaders of the G-20 Summit empathized with Ukraine for ongoing war. But refrained from strongly opposing Russia.

Forming Financial Institutions

In a collective declaration G-20 members agreed on the need to reform the international finance system to counter financial issues faced by nations in need.

Honoring Mahatma Gandhi

The commencement of the summit started with all the leaders visiting and remembering Mahatma Gandhi at Rajghat.