Meet Japanese Man Who Sleeps 30 minutes Only

Orange Lightning

Meet the Japanese man who sleeps just 30 minutes daily, challenging conventional sleep science and claiming enhanced productivity,  here are some things to know.


Man Sleeps 30 Minutes

Daisuke Hori, a 40-year-old entrepreneur from Hyogo, Japan, claims to have maintained a sleep schedule of just 30 minutes per day for over a decade.


Maximizing Life

Despite the general consensus that adults need 6-8 hours of sleep for optimal health, he believes his approach enhances his productivity.


Unconventional Methods

He claims these practices help him maintain energy levels and focus throughout the day.


Reality Show Observation

Hori demonstrated his extreme sleep routine by sleeping only 26 minutes, after which he woke up energized, had breakfast, went to work, and even hit the gym.


Challenges to Sleep Science

Challenging traditional sleep science and raising questions about the feasibility and safety  of such a lifestyle.


Health Risks

The doctor highlights risks such  as impaired cognitive function, memory loss, weakened immune system, cardiovascular issues etc.


Scientific Impossibility

Dr. Reddy emphasizes that it is scientifically impossible for the human body and brain to adapt to such minimal sleep.