⁠Night Owls Perform Better on Cognitive Tests

Orange Lightning

Night owls may have the cognitive edge, studies suggest they perform better  Here are some things to know on certain tests, possibly due to brain function being optimized for evenings.


Higher Peak Performance

Night owls tend to reach their peak cognitive performance in the late afternoon and evening.


Memory and Creativity

Studies have shown that night owls often excel in tasks that require memory and creativity.



Night owls are often more adaptable to changes in their sleep schedules, which can help them manage varying test times and still perform well.


Brain Structure

Research indicates that night owls may have structural differences in their brains, such as greater white matter.


Better Stress Management

Night owls have been found to have lower levels of cortisol, a stress hormone, during the evening.


Improved Executive Function

These abilities are crucial for performing well on cognitive tests that require strategic thinking and decision-making.


Greater Mental Stamina

Night owls are naturally more alert and energetic during the evening, they often demonstrate greater mental stamina.