Phrases Used by Fake Friends as per Psychology

Orange Lightning

These phrases reflect manipulation, lack of empathy, or avoidance, key signs of a fake or toxic friendship, here are some phrases to know.

I’m always here for you,” but never follow through

Fake friends may offer support verbally, but when it comes time to help, they are often absent or unavailable.


Dashed Trail

You’re overreacting

Fake friends often minimize your emotions to avoid dealing with your concerns, showing a lack of empathy.


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I was just joking, don’t be so sensitive

This deflects accountability and puts the blame on you for feeling hurt.


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I didn’t tell you because I didn’t want to hurt you

This is often a cover-up for dishonesty or hiding important information.


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I’m so busy

They avoid putting effort into the friendship but expect you to continue making plans.


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You’ve changed

When a fake friend feels you are growing or improving, they might say this in a negative way to guilt-trip you.


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I thought you would understand

Fake friends might rely on this to avoid taking responsibility for their actions while making you feel at fault.


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