Psychological Tricks To Become Your Manager's Favorite 

Orange Lightning

By applying these strategies, you’ll build a strong rapport and stand out as a valuable asset to your manager, here are some things to know.


Understand Their Priorities

Demonstrating that you understand what matters most to them shows you’re on the same page and helps build trust.


Be Proactive

Instead of waiting for instructions, take the initiative to solve problems or improve processes.


Be Consistent and Reliable

Consistency builds trust, showing you’re someone they can count on.


Practice Active Listening

By listening well and remembering details, you show respect and engagement. 


Give Credit and Appreciation

Acknowledge their support and leadership when appropriate and Complimenting their strengths 


Be Positive

Maintain a positive attitude, especially during challenging times, Offer solutions instead of complaining.


Ask for Feedback

Implementing their suggestions shows that you respect their expertise and are committed to improving.