Signs You're INFJ the Rarest Personality Type in the World

Orange Lightning

The INFJ  personality type, one of the 16 types in the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator, is considered the rarest, here are some signs that suggest you might be an INFJ.


Empathy and Intuition

NFJs are known for their deep empathy and intuitive understanding of others’ emotions.


Drive for LifeP urpose

INFJs often seek purpose in life and are motivated by a desire to make  the world a better place.


Idealistic but Practical

INFJs are dreamers, but they are also realistic, they hold onto high ideals but make plans to achieve them.


Sensitive to Conflict

Conflict and tension can  deeply affect INFJs, they avoid confrontations when possible.


Creative and Visionary

INFJs are often highly creative individuals with a strong ability  to visualize the future.


Strong Moral Compass

They are guided by a strong moral code and often feel a responsibility to stand up for what they believe is just.


Meaningful Connections

They often struggle with small talk and prefer to connect with others  on a deeper, more personal level.