Step-by-step Checklist for First-Time Voters

Orange Lightning

Welcome to the journey of democratic empowerment! This presentation equips you, a first-time voter, with essential steps for participating in India's Lok Sabha Elections 2024.


Step 1: Register and Obtain Your Voter ID

Register online at by filling Form 6. Your Voter ID is your entry pass to the ballot battleground. Exercise your democratic right!


Step 2: Knowledge is Power

Research and identify the candidates competing for your vote. Locate your polling station and remember to carry your Voter ID on the voting day.


Step 3: Electronic Detox

Leave electronic devices behind when entering the polling booth. Mobile phones, laptops, and tablets are not permitted inside. Stay focused on casting your vote!


Step 4: Verification and Commencement

Verify your name on the voter list and provide ID proof. Get your finger inked and receive a slip to commence your electoral journey.


Step 5: Exercise Your Voting Power

Use the Electronic Voting Machine (EVM) to cast your vote. Choose your candidate by pressing the respective button or opt for NOTA if none suit your preference.


Step 6: Assurance through Verification

Witness your vote through the Voter Verifiable Paper Audit Trail (VVPAT) machine. Verify the slip displaying your candidate's details before it descends into the sealed box.


Exercise Your Voting Power

Embrace your role as a responsible citizen. Voting is for everyone aged 18 and above. Let's shape the future of India together through active participation in the democratic process!