Story of Buddhist Monk Bodhidharma

Orange Lightning

Bodhidharma's story, blending historical facts and legends, remains a cornerstone of Buddhist and martial arts traditions in Asia.


Origin and Early Life

Bodhidharma was born as a prince  in the Pallava dynasty in South  India, around the 5th or 6th century.


Journey to China

Buddhism and is believed to have arrived in China around 520 AD during the Liang Dynasty.


Encounter with Emperor Wu

Bodhidharma met with Emperor Wu of Liang, a devout Buddhist who had built many temples and supported the Buddhist clergy.


Retreat to Shaolin Temple

Bodhidharma travelled to the Shaolin Temple, located in the  Song Mountains.


Development of Martial Arts

Bodhidharma is traditionally credited with teaching the monks exercises  to strengthen their bodies, which evolved into Shaolin Kung Fu.


Teachings and Legacy

Bodhidharma's teachings emphasized the practice of meditation as the direct path to enlightenment.


Myth and Influence

Bodhidharma is revered as a patriarch of Chan Buddhism and a symbol of spiritual determination.