Unique Morning Habits of Toppers

Orange Lightning

Toppers often have distinct morning habits that set them apart and contribute to their success, here are some things to know.


Early Rising

Toppers often wake up early, typically between 4:30 to 6:00 AM. This gives them a head start on the day, allowing them to study or work.


Morning Exercise

Toppers often incorporate a  short workout, yoga, or mindfulness practice into their morning routine.


Planning the Day

Toppers tend to plan their day either the night before or first thing in the morning. This includes setting specific goals.


Reviewing Study Material

Many toppers spend a few minutes  in the morning reviewing important study material or concepts.


Healthy Breakfast

A nutritious breakfast fuels the brain and body, helping toppers maintain focus and energy throughout the day.


Positive Affirmations

This practice sets a positive tone  for the day and reinforces a growth mindset.


Limiting Screen Time

Many toppers avoid checking social media or engaging in non-essential screen time in the morning.