Ways To Identify AI Images To Avoid Fraud

Orange Lightning

Identifying AI-generated images can be crucial to avoid fraud, particularly as these images become more sophisticated, Here are some ways to spot AI-generated image.


Unnatural Facial Features

Look for mismatched eyes, asymmetry in facial features, irregular skin textures, or awkward angles of the nose, mouth, or ears.


Backgrounds and Objects

Objects in the background might  be partially fused or have unusual shapes that don't align with the perspective.


Imperfect Hands and Finger

Look for distorted or unnatural finger shapes, incorrect number of fingers, or fingers that appear fused together.


Lighting and Shadows

AI models often fail to maintain consistency, resulting in unnatural shadow placements or lighting effects.


Texture and Details

AI might create plastic-looking skin, unrealistic fabric textures, or overly uniform surfaces.


Metadata Analysis

AI-generated images often lack camera details like make, model,  or other specific metadata that are typically present in photographs.