What is Chronic Fatigue Syndrome?

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Chronic Fatigue Syndrome is a puzzling illness with extreme tiredness that lingers for months, even after rest and worsens with activity. Here are some things to know.


Debilitating Fatigue

The core symptom of CFS is  severe, persistent fatigue that  doesn't improve with rest and can significantly impact daily activities.


Post-Exertional Malaise

People with CFS experience a worsening of symptoms after physical or mental exertion, even minimal activity.


Unrefreshing Sleep

Despite sleeping for long periods, people with CFS often feel unrested and wake up feeling tired.


Cognitive Difficulties

CFS can cause problems with memory, concentration, attention, and thinking.


Muscle and Joint Pain

Many people with CFS experience pain in their muscles and joints, although there is usually no swelling or redness.


Other Symptoms

Headaches, sore throat, tender lymph nodes, and dizziness are some other common symptoms of CFS.


Unknown Cause

The exact cause of CFS is unknown, although it is believed to be a complex interaction of genetic, infectious, and environmental factors.