⁠What is Internet Addiction Disorder and Its Solutions

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Internet Addiction Disorder can disrupt your life as compulsive online use takes priority over work, relationships, and even sleep, here are some things to know.


Internet Addiction Disorder

Excessive, compulsive internet use harms daily life, surfing social media, gaming, or anything online etc.


Signs of IAD

Sleep deprivation, neglecting responsibilities, and feeling anxious or restless when offline are red flags.


Controversy Around IAD

The World Health Organization (WHO) doesn't recognize IAD as a disorder yet.


Underlying Issues

IAD might be a symptom of other problems like anxiety or depression untangling the cause is crucial for treatment.


Self-Help for IAD

Set time limits, utilize website blockers and find healthy replacements for online activities, prioritize sleep and real-world connections.


Seeking Help

Cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) can help manage triggers and develop healthier internet habits.


Support Systems

Let them know you're struggling and encourage them to hold you accountable for your goals.