World No Tobacco Day: History and Significance 

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World No Tobacco Day raises awareness about the dangers of tobacco and advocates for policies to create a healthier, tobacco-free world, here are some things to know about it.


Created by WHO

In 1987, the World Health Assembly passed Resolution WHA40.38, calling for April 7, 1988, to be "a world no-smoking day."


Officially Established in 1988

The WHO established World No Tobacco Day in 1988 with Resolution WHA42.19.


Raises Awareness 

It highlights the link between tobacco use and various health issues like cancer, heart disease and respiratory illnesses.


Advocates for Policy Change

The day is significant in encouraging governments to implement effective policies to reduce tobacco consumption.


Supports Smokers Who Want to Quit

World No Tobacco Day serves as  a source of encouragement for smokers who want to quit.


Tobacco Industry's Tactics

It aims to expose their marketing strategies and how they target different demographics, particularly youth.


A Global Initiative

World No Tobacco Day is a global effort led by the WHO to protect people's right to health & promote a tobacco-free future.